STEMpathy Resource Library
Resources for the social identifiers of race, gender, and sexual orientation can fit into any STEM lesson plan. Find "plug-in" resources of varying time lengths to match your classroom.

Public Health
When Doctors Downplay Women's Health Concerns
This NYT article describes a large issue in public health and medicine: ignoring women's health issues. It uses both anecdotal evidence and important stats to describe why the problem exists and how current doctors are trying to fix it.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
National leaders propose Anti-Racism in Public Health Act
A new legislation called the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act has been proposed. If approved, racism would be acknowledged as a public health crisis on the federal level and new programs would be created with an aim at breaking down structural racism in areas including healthcare and law enforcement.
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
Melanoma Among Non-Hispanic Black Americans
This is an analysis paper published on the CDC's webpage analyzing melanoma incidence and 5-year survival rates of non-Hispanic Black US- populations. Material provides resultant data and draws conclusions that healthcare providers need improved education on incidence of melanoma in non-Hispanic Black populations.
25-40 Minutes

Medical Research
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Obstetrics and Gynecology
This research article provides examples of racial disparities in women's health. The article also breaks down how patients, physicians, and the healthcare system contribute to these differences as well as provides potential solutions to reduce these disparities.
25-40 Minutes

Medical Research
'We're Petrified': Immigrants Afraid to Seek Medical Care for Coronavirus
The New York Times published this article expresses the fear immigrants have when seeking medical attention for COVID-19. They question if going to the hospital will affect their chances at becoming US citizens. ?
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
Medical Students Push For More LGBTQ Health Training
Many feel that medical schools don't properly address health disparities that affect the LGBTQ+ communities. NPR provides background on current medical school practices, as well as pressure for curriculum changes to address these issues.
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
American medicine was built on the backs of slaves.
This Washington post article discusses the history of medicine and how in coincided with slavery. Bachynski explains how the origins of medical practices still influence patients today and poses questions to doctors about what can be changed to combat the issue. ?
25-40 Minutes

Computer Science
Wow, Apple's Suggested Emoji for CEO is a White Male
Apple uses machine learning for their autocorrect/suggestions, and their machine learning decided that a white male was the definition of a ceo, cfo, doctor, and other top positions. Their second option was a white female.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
How A Subtle UX Tweak Reduced Racial Profiling On A Site Notorious For It
Wilson reports on a change that Nextdoor implemented in their user interface, to reduce racial profiling. Wilson further explains where the rationale for this decision came from, and the impact that it has had.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women
This article, from Reuters, gives the example of bias in AI that Amazon uses for recruiting and how it specifically affects female candidates. The article explains multiple ways that this software has been shown to be biased and enumerates other companies that seem to be using similar algorithms.
45-60+ Minutes

Computer Science
How to Design for Every Gender
In this piece, Querini decribes "Inclusive Design," or how to design with different people in mind. The author further describes how one can design for gender and what considerations to take into account when designing a system or user interface.
45-60+ Minutes

Computer Science
Apple Card algorithm sparks gender bias allegations against Goldman Sachs
This article reports on an incident where a husband and wife were provided with vastly different credit lines from the Apple Card algorithm, despite sharing many of the same assets and filing taxes jointly. The article also explains the response from Apple, Goldman Sachs, and other involved actors.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
LGBT groups denounce 'dangerous' AI that uses your face to guess sexuality
This article describes criticisms of a recent Stanford study that attempted to guess whether individuals were gay or straight based on their faces, using AI. The article further explains the response of a co-author of the study and his motivations for publishing the study.
5-20 Minutes

Env Science
What the Cluck? How a Hen Turned Into a Rooster
This study is about chickens taking on the physiological behaviors of roosters, having everything except being able to lay eggs. They crow, have the same feathers as roosters, have spurs, and other physiological factors because they can develop male sex organs if their left ovary gets damaged or atrophies.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
Gender Inequality in Health
This TED Talk talks about gender disparities in health with the lens of research and pharmaceuticals. Key points of the discussion include how health issues specific to females are not always studied/tested on women, and how certain drugs created have ill-averse effects on certain genders compared to others.
5-20 Minutes

Public Health
A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid
Thomas Frieden writes in the American Journal of Public Health to discuss the Health Impact Pyramid: what is it and how does it work? Frieden defines each level of the pyramid provides examples of prevention strategies that would fall into each one.
5-20 Minutes

Studying LGBTQ+ Harrassment in Europe
Based on a survey conducted in 28 European countries, the following dataset illuminates conceptions of harassment based on sexual orientation. Work through the data with Geeta in order to form basic visualizations from the survey results.
45-60+ Minutes

Env Science
Seeking a New Lens to Study Same-Sex Behavior in Animals
Focusing on sexuality in evolution and animal biology, this New York Times article discusses a study from Yale and UC Berkeley researchers who seek to change the heteronormative assumptions of environmental science.
25-40 Minutes

Medical Research
Earning Trust Among Native American Population
Medical students wrote a letter to the editor of the Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges discussing the importance of gaining trust of Native American communities. This short letter allows broad discussion about how to gain trust of underserved communities.
25-40 Minutes

Medical Research
Clinical Trials Have Far Too Little Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Many clinical trials are composed of 80 to 90% white patients, despite almost 40% of all Americans belonging to minority groups. This article explains the importance of diversity in clinical drug trials.
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
When disease strikes, gender matters
This Harvard panel discusses the importance of identifying differences between men and women when conducting disease research. This resource is pivotal to the understanding of the need for gender representation in clinical trials.
25-40 Minutes

Medical Research
The Gender Spectrum: A Scientist Explains Why Gender Isn't Binary
This source is about non-binary individuals, and how the gender spectrum is not binary, instead following a bimodal distribution with higher probability of being on one side or the other. This source talks about the genetic factors of being intersex, the physiological factors that show gender and how is a spectrum, and ends with examples in the animal kingdom that don't follow the gender binary or can become transgender.
45-60+ Minutes

Public Health
TED Talk: The toxic baby
Filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer presents during TEDWomen 2010 discussing the harmful effects of hormone altering chemicals on our children. She invites University of California, Berkeley Professor Tyrone Hayes to explain how the pesticide Atrazine has been linked to developing breast cancer and male sterilization, especially among men working in agriculture who tend to be Mexican American.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
Dads are stepping up to help out more at home during the pandemic
Gender roles have been defined by women staying at home to take care of chores and the children, while men particpate in the workforce acting as the family breadwinner. This article from Globalnews discusses how these traditional gender roles are forced to be disturbed due to conditions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
5-20 Minutes

Public Health
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
This page on the CDC's website is an all-encompassing collection of health related issues and topics that impact the LGBTQ+ community. Students can explore a wide range of topics and be exposed to all facets of LGBTQ+ health.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
The healthcare gender bias: do men get better medical treatment?
Women have been silence for centuries and in light of movements such as #MeToo, this article from The Guardian breaks the silence as it discusses discrimantory practices against women in healthcare. It brings up disparities in female physicians as well as women not being properly treated due to assumptions that they are hypochondriacs.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
Sex and gender differences and biases
Cirillo et al. explain how current biomedical technologies that use AI models to tailor treatments can be biased based on gender. The paper outlines how current algorithms do not consider how gender plays into death and disease and in doing so, produces sub-optimal results. The paper outlines in depth current technologies and their effect on women, both positive and negative.
45-60+ Minutes

Computer Science
The complex UX design behind gender selection forms
Krzyminski delves into the question of how to construct gender selection forms so that they are both inclusive and useful for the people collecting the data. The author provides four examples of gender selection forms and how they perform within each of these criteria.
25-40 Minutes

Computer Science
Is Artificial Intelligence Queerphobic?
This article explains how Artificial Intelligence algorithms can be biased against the LGBTQ+ community. The article touches on censorship of language used by this community, how AI can learn offensive languages and biases that it can then replicate, and many other issues.
45-60+ Minutes

Computer Science
The push to redefine "good design" amid the Black Lives Matter movement
This article describes how Nextdoor reduces racial profiling through a change in their UX and how the same principle can be applied throughout UX design. The article further explains similar UX decisions, spearheaded by social psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
Coronavirus and Water Access
Individuals living in low-income rural communities do not have access to safe drinking water and must rely on bottled water. This article explains how the need for water has been exacerbated due to the global pandemic and why it needs to be addressed.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
Huge Racial Disparities Found in Deaths Linked to Pregnancy
This article brings attention to the health disparity found in maternal rates in the United States. The US has the highest maternal mortality of developed countries, and racial disparities are even more drastic with the United States. Doctors and public health officials explain risk factors, causes of death, and possible solutions to the crisis.
25-40 Minutes

Public Health
Black, Latino patients more likely to undergo amputations
University of Southern California Professor David Armstrong speaks about amputations caused by diabetes, what Armstrong calls “an epidemic within an epidemic,” in this CNN article. The article also includes a short video on diabetes and its symptoms.
5-20 Minutes

Env Science
Amah Mutsun Tribal Band and archaeologists uncover ancient practices
Members of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band and researchers from UC Berkeley speak about the traditional knowledge used by native people to manage their environment. The included video also demonstrates how reintegrating native people into the environment can promote sustainability.
45-60+ Minutes

Medical Research
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Henrietta Lacks visited Johns Hopkins Hospital for cervical cancer treatment. After she passed away, her cancer cells were discovered to be immortal and continued to multiply. Her cells were harvested without the permission of her family and used for research. These materials explain her and her family's story and how this event sparked conversations about ethics in medical research
45-60+ Minutes

Medical Research
The problems with LGTBQ healthcare
The Harvard School of Public Health held a forum, “Health in the LGBTQ Community: Improving Care and Confronting Discrimination" to discuss health disparities in the LGBTQ+ community. This resource highlights talking points that pertain to the importance of learning more about LGBTQ health.
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
COVID-19 amplifies gender disparities in research
This source introduces how the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized gender disparities in medical research. When accounting for the genders of authors publishing COVID research, it was found that the majority of them are men.
5-20 Minutes

Medical Research
Are the Brains of Transgender People Different
This source is about the differences and similarities on transgender and cisgender brains. Although research is mixed, there's a general trend towards transgender individuals having the same brain structure as the gender in which they identify as, even when the studies are controlled for hormones.
45-60+ Minutes

Medical Research
Human Genomics Research Has a Diversity Problem
Currently, minorities makeup less than 22% of genetic studies. This NPR article discusses the importance of involving minorities in genetic studies by providing examples of genetic variation between races and their contributions to different diseases
5-20 Minutes

Public Health
Turning the words 'racism is a public health crisis' into action
Mary Basset is the director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University. In this interview, Basset expands on her claim that racism is a public health issue and explains that in order to solve our public health issues, we must first defeat racism. Find disucssion questions here.
45-60+ Minutes

Public Health
Discrimination Prevents LGBTQ People From Accessing Health Care
This article from the Center for American Progress describes different forms of discrimination LGBTQ individuals experience when trying to receive the health care they need. It shows results of survey data completed in 2017 to clearly exhibit the discrimination. This article also discusses differences in policy and policy enforcement between two different administrations.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
Millions of black people affected by racial bias in health-care algorithms
In this article, Heidi Ledford explains how algorithms that allocate healthcare to patients have a racial bias. The article explains that because of systemic racism in healthcare, black patients were typically assigned lower risk scores -- making them less likely to receive personalized care.
5-20 Minutes

Computer Science
'Nerd', 'Nonsmoker', 'Wrongdoer': How Might A.I. Label You?
This article describes how ImageNet Roulette, an app that labels faces based on Artificial Intelligence, shows biases in facial recognition software and how they can be based in the biases of the engineers themselves.
25-40 Minutes

Computer Science
With AI and Criminal Justice, the Devil is in the Data
This article, from the ACLU, provides insight into the impact of AI on racism in the criminal justice system, from tools used in law enforcement to those used to suggest bail amounts or whether someone should get parole, ending with a description of software to increase accountability..
25-40 Minutes

Computer Science;Public Health
Interactive Race Tracker
Using the COVID-19 race tracker and introductory CS concepts, this project allows students to learn about the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on Black Americans while practicing computer science concepts. The above link will take you to the main page for this project, which includes guiding questions, the original data, and an example solution. Teachers may give students some of the example solution to tailor the project, depending on the skills they wish to highlight. The assignment can be either take home or in class, but discussion is encouraged either during the project or after finishing it.
45-60+ Minutes

Env Science
Project Drawndown Solution: Health and Education
Project Drawdown's mission is to present solutions which would help the world reach "drawdown," the point at which greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and start to steadily decline. This solution focuses on the health and education of women.
25-40 Minutes